Sunday, April 11, 2010

Coleção Quase Completa  by Julio França

Digital camera batteries are specifically designed for the unique way digital cameras use energy – in big power bursts. Digital camera batteries have substantial power with a much longer life than alkaline AAs.

Batteries for portable consumer devices are principally made using technologies such as:

- Nickel Cadmium (NiCd)

- Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH)

- Lithium Ion (Li-Ion)

Each type has unique characteristics manufactured for different uses.

NiCd and NiMH:

The main difference between the two is the fact that NiMH (the newer of the two technologies) offer higher energy densities than NiCds. NiMH are less prone to problems and require less maintenance and care. NiMH are also more environmentally friendly than their NiCd counterparts, since they do not contain heavy metals(which present serious landfill problems).


Li-Ion produce the same energy as NiMH but weigh approximately 35% less. This is a definite consideration in portable devices where the battery makes up a significant portion of the device’s weight.

Another reason rechargeable Li-Ions have become so popular is that they do not suffer from memory effect at all. Memory effect is voltage depression caused by improper recharging.

They are also better for the environment because they don’t contain toxic materials such as Cadmium or Mercury.

Rechargeable digital camera batteries are rated in “mAh”. The mAh stands for Milliamp Hour, a technical term for how much power a particular battery will hold. Those with higher mAh values theoretically last longer without requiring a recharge, allowing you to take more photographs before you have to replace your cells.

It is recommended when installing batteries that their mAh values match. Otherwise, it is possible that one will drain before the others, causing extra strain on the others, or preventing further photo taking until all are replaced.

- Help and Tips

Cameras consume battery resources quickly, even rechargeable ones, so you should always carry extra. NiMH tend to last much longer than most standard alkaline AAs – plus, are rechargeable, so they can be re-used for quite a long time.

Turn off your digital camera when not in use. Don’t stop after taking every photo and look at the picture in playback mode. If you are using MicroDrive media, be forewarned that these miniature hard drives may take up quite a bit more power than Compact Flash cards.

Rechargeable batteries don’t stay charged forever. They tend to lose a little of their power every day. If you recharge often and frequently use your digital camera, you will probably never notice this loss. However, after a couple of weeks, the loss may be noticeable, and after a couple of months or longer of non-use, those once were ready-to-go but now may have lost enough power to make them unusable.

If you are not planning on using your digital camera for a while, it may be wise to take your batteries out for storage. This reduces the chance of chemical leakage and corrosion, which can seriously damage your equipment.

If you plan on taking photos in colder weather or snowstorm, note that batteries may hold their power for shorter periods of time than in warmer weather. You may either want to bring extra during your photo shoot or look for those specially rated to handle colder temperatures.

If it is raining, or if you are near an area of running water such as a waterfall, be extremely careful. Get at a safe distance from the water before you change out the power cells. Water can corrode, possibly causing leakage, and this can damage your equipment.

Digital Camera Charger

Where can i buy a digital camera charger?

I have a HP Photosmart camera… and i lost the charger for it! Does anybody know where i can get another one??

You can buy it from

Hope this helps

Good luck!

Choosing the Right and Best Digital Camera Battery

As we know the life of   <a href=””>digital camera battery</a>    is one of the most crucial factors in photography. Like other portable consumer electronic devices, Digital Cameras use batteries as their power source. All batteries have one major drawback – they only last for a limited span of time. If you disregard this fact, then you run the serious risk of missing an important shot.

Two kinds of <a href=””>battery</a>  are widely available for digital cameras: Ni-CD (Nickel Cadmium) and Ni-MH (Nickel-Metal Hydride). There is a third type of rechargeable battery, Lithium Ion that is gaining rapid popularity. The distinct advantage of a Lithium Ion battery is, it offers better performance than the other two types. But the disadvantage is that they do not come in the standard AA battery size and as such you can not use them with most cameras.

Popular alkaline batteries are relatively inexpensive and widely available, but they drain at a fast pace. If you happen to use all of your camera’s features, you can deplete a set of alkaline batteries in about 30 minutes.  You should then consider spending a little more up front for a battery charger and few rechargeable batteries. Many digital cameras work with the popular, rechargeable nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) batteries. Alkaline batteries were not designed to supply the high power drains demanded by digital cameras and other modern digital equipments. Despite having a large energy capacity, alkaline batteries are not capable of delivering their energy rapidly enough for your digital camera, causing it to shut down.

Generally speaking, the heavy energy consumers in a digital camera are the LCD screen and the motors that move the mechanical components of the camera such as the lenses.  The other big energy consumer is the motor. Digital cameras have motors the move the lenses either to change the zoom or to focus. Motors consume relatively a lot of energy when moving the digital camera optical components. The flash is a big energy consumer too. Shooting photos using the flash consumes more energy that shooting photos without flash.

Digital cameras, and in particular their LCD screens, demand large electrical currents from your batteries. If you are using lots of alkaline batteries for your electronic devices you’ll probably want to switch to rechargeable NiMH batteries ASAP. Not only will the NiMH batteries power a digital camera (or most other electronic devices) much longer than alkaline batteries will, but they are much less expensive to use.

Many digital camera manufacturers offer proprietary lithium ion battery systems with their cameras. These are indeed sophisticated batteries with very long life-span. Sony’s Info-lithium battery system is perhaps the best example of this technology. Apart from offering very long life, this system can give an accurate measurement of the amount of operating time left on a charge. The minus factor of lithium ion battery systems is that these proprietary systems are very expensive.

When it comes to power, the ability to use a variety of battery types can be more important than any single type a camera may use. For instance, lithium-ion rechargeable batteries generally last the longest, but if you are out in some remote places, you have no way to recharge them, and you should probably have a backpack full of disposables. Your best bet is a camera that interchangeably supports rechargeables and long-life disposables.

About the Author

kevin moshayedi is an expert author, who is presently working on the site about Vitamins&Suppliments .He has written many articles in various topics like Hydroxycut fat burner and Xenadrine fat burner.

How to use DOQO, the mobile phone & digital camera battery charger